The Ultrawave Multiband Processor embarks on a pioneering journey into the advanced potential of overdrive and tremolo, exploring a brave new universe of sounds yet unheard. At the Ultrawave’s core is a dynamic and multi-dimensional approach known as multiband processing. This process splits the frequency spectrum of a guitar, bass, or synthesizer into multiple, discrete frequency bands and equips each band with its own array of adjustable parameters. In the case of overdrive, the Ultrawave splits the incoming signal and provides separate drive and output level controls for each individual band. The result is a thick and rich distortion with loads of unique overtones and dynamic interplay. Split the signal into 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, or 10 frequency bands, and apply any of the band splitting options to an exciting collection of overdrive types, including Tube, Diode, Foldback (a method of distortion often heard in the world of synthesizers), Octave Up, Negative Flip Diode, and more. ​Plug in, turn up, and explore the wonders of multiband processing built on over a decade of refinement and experimentation.


Summing up all the sounds available in the Ultrawave Multiband Processor is a fool's errand, but hopefully our official demo video will give you a sufficient window into The Power of the Ultrawave!!!

Bassist Nathan Navarro Demos the Ultrawave Multiband Bass Processor

Our long-time friend Nathan Navarro played a huge role in developing the Ultrawave - he personally dialed in the factory default sounds that ship with every Ultrawave Multiband Bass Processor pedal. His demo of the Ultrawave is stellar, Nathan dives into some of the more traditional applications of the Ultrawave with bass as well some of the overtly non-traditional. Enjoy...

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The Ultrawave Multiband Processor embarks on a pioneering journey into the advanced potential of overdrive and tremolo, exploring a brave new universe of sounds yet unheard. At the Ultrawave’s core is a dynamic and multi-dimensional approach known as multiband processing. This process splits the frequency spectrum of a guitar, bass, or synthesizer into multiple, discrete frequency bands and equips each band with its own array of adjustable parameters. In the case of overdrive, the Ultrawave splits the incoming signal and provides separate drive and output level controls for each individual band. The result is a thick and rich distortion with loads of unique overtones and dynamic interplay. Split the signal into 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, or 10 frequency bands, and apply any of the band splitting options to an exciting collection of overdrive types, including Tube, Diode, Foldback (a method of distortion often heard in the world of synthesizers), Octave Up, Negative Flip Diode, and more. ​Plug in, turn up, and explore the wonders of multiband processing built on over a decade of refinement and experimentation.


Summing up all the sounds available in the Ultrawave Multiband Processor is a fool's errand, but hopefully our official demo video will give you a sufficient window into The Power of the Ultrawave!!!

Bassist Nathan Navarro Demos the Ultrawave Multiband Bass Processor

Our long-time friend Nathan Navarro played a huge role in developing the Ultrawave - he personally dialed in the factory default sounds that ship with every Ultrawave Multiband Bass Processor pedal. His demo of the Ultrawave is stellar, Nathan dives into some of the more traditional applications of the Ultrawave with bass as well some of the overtly non-traditional. Enjoy...

The Ultrawave Multiband Processor embarks on a pioneering journey into the advanced potential of overdrive and tremolo, exploring a brave new universe of sounds yet unheard. At the Ultrawave’s core is a dynamic and multi-dimensional approach known as multiband processing. This process splits the frequency spectrum of a guitar, bass, or synthesizer into multiple, discrete frequency bands and equips each band with its own array of adjustable parameters. In the case of overdrive, the Ultrawave splits the incoming signal and provides separate drive and output level controls for each individual band. The result is a thick and rich distortion with loads of unique overtones and dynamic interplay. Split the signal into 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, or 10 frequency bands, and apply any of the band splitting options to an exciting collection of overdrive types, including Tube, Diode, Foldback (a method of distortion often heard in the world of synthesizers), Octave Up, Negative Flip Diode, and more. ​Plug in, turn up, and explore the wonders of multiband processing built on over a decade of refinement and experimentation.


Summing up all the sounds available in the Ultrawave Multiband Processor is a fool's errand, but hopefully our official demo video will give you a sufficient window into The Power of the Ultrawave!!!

Bassist Nathan Navarro Demos the Ultrawave Multiband Bass Processor

Our long-time friend Nathan Navarro played a huge role in developing the Ultrawave - he personally dialed in the factory default sounds that ship with every Ultrawave Multiband Bass Processor pedal. His demo of the Ultrawave is stellar, Nathan dives into some of the more traditional applications of the Ultrawave with bass as well some of the overtly non-traditional. Enjoy...

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